Frequently Asked Question

How to use the Transparency Tool?
Last Updated 11 years ago

The transparency tool will take one color on your image and define it as transparent. First select the picture that will have a transparent area on it.

Select the transparency tool by going into the Tools menu and then select Object Tools, Transparency Tool. Now your mouse cursor will turn into the Transparency Tool icon. Move the transparency tool to the color you wish to define as transparent and click on it.

Now, if you have a complex image, chances are there are many shades of color similar to the one you are defining as transparent. The are as many as 16 million different colors in an image, so the white you choose to make transparent might be next to lots of other off-white pixels. So if your image looks blotchy when you use the transparency tool, this is why. What you need to do in this situation is edit the image in another program. Basically you need to paint all the areas that want to be transparent, one color. The paint tool in most image editing programs will work to paint exactly one color in any area you choose.

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