Frequently Asked Question

How do I use my scanner to import an image into SureThing?
Last Updated 11 years ago

  1. With your design open click on File, Scan Images, Acquire Image or Acquire Image as Background (if you’re going to use the image as a background for the design).
  2. Your scanner software will now be launched.
  3. Prescan your scanner bed and select the area you are going to scan. Make sure to use the selection tool to select the exact area you want to scan. If you do not do so that whole scanner bed will be scanned, and the image will appear really small with lots of white space around it. Please make sure you use the scanner software’s selection tool to select exactly the area which you wish to scan.
  4. Once the scan is complete the image will load directly into SureThing.
  5. If your scanner software is having trouble with SureThing, you might want to check to see if there are better drivers available for your scanner. Check the manufacturer’s website to see if there is new software to download.

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