Frequently Asked Question
How do I insert a serial number or sequence?
Last Updated 11 years ago
- Start a Design and place a text box where you would like to have your serial number.
- Place the cursor in the text box and select Insert Field from the Insert menu.
- The Insert Field dialog box will open.
- Select the Special Fields Tab, and choose Serial number from the field type box.
- In the settings box you can choose the start number, max number and increment. You can also choose to have the number reset after every time you print. If you do not wish it to reset, make sure you leave the “reset after printing” box unchecked, and re-save your design after every time you print.
- Once you have the settings you want, select OK and OK again.
You will then see the first number on your design. When you print, depending on the number of copies you print, you will see the different numbers on each subsequent copy.