Frequently Asked Question

How do I rotate a Background?
Last Updated 11 years ago

To rotate a background image 90°

  1. First insert a background image. Use the Background panel on the left.
  2. Backgrounds panel on the left> click on Touchup and Effects.
  3. Click the Rotate Left, or Rotate Right buttons to rotate.

To rotate a background image arbitrarily

  1. Remove your background image by going to the Background panel on the left and clicking on Clear Background.
  2. Go to the Pictures/Clipart panel on the left and instead, insert your image as a picture.
  3. Left click on the image to select it (if it's not already selected).
  4. Left click and hold, on the handle and drag the handle around. This way you can rotate at 360°.
  5. Left click and hold, on one of the perimeter handles, and drag the image out to make it larger.
  6. You may need to reposition your picture as well.

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