Frequently Asked Question

Colors are off, printer output does not resemble the design on screen.
Last Updated 8 years ago

SureThing is WYSIWYG, or what you see is what you get. If what you see on the screen in SureThing is not what is being printed then that can be caused for a few reasons. Generally this is caused when your ink is not mixing correctly. Here are a few things to try:

  1. You need to clean your print heads. This is generally handled via the printer driver. For more information on how to clean your print heads, you will need to consult the printer manual/manufacturer.
  2. You need to replace your ink cartridge(s). When the ink dries up, or becomes low - the colors will not match.
  3. Adjust your printer driver settings. To do this in SureThing, go to File, click on Print, make sure your printer is selected and click on Options. You can make adjustments to the quality, color, output, etc in here. Printer driver settings are unique for each brand, manufacturer, model, etc of printers - so unfortunately, there isn't an exact setting we can provide. Use your best judgment, test it out, and see.
  4. If you still are having issues, then most likely you will need to contact the printer manufacturer to troubleshoot printing
Please contact if you still think there is an issue.

Note: SureThing does not print, it sends the print job to the printer, and the printer hardware and software handles the output.

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