Frequently Asked Question

How to draw a circle/ellipse?
Last Updated 9 years ago

1. Go to the Shape Tools on the right, and click on Ellipse Tool.

2. Draw out an ellipse on your design and click off or hit Esc.

3. Double click on the Ellipse to edit. Click on the Properties tab.

4. Click on the Shades button, and set it to Null and hit OK.

5. Next click on Lines and apply a line style, thickness, color, etc.

6. To make the Ellipse circular, check Circle.

7. Click on the Size/Position tab, and you can size it to whatever you'd like. For example the size of the label itself and hit OK.

8. You can even feather, or in other words apply a transparency to the Circle, to create a border/blur effect on the perimeter.

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