Frequently Asked Question

SureThing thumbnail images not showing
Last Updated 3 years ago

To change your Windows view settings, please check out this Youtube video or read about it here:

Provided your view settings above are set correctly, there are a couple other reasons you may not see the thumbnail preview image for your SureThing project files.

1. The SureThing shell extension is not installed or is being blocked. Usually just reinstalling the software will fix this issue. Uninstall all versions of SureThing you currently have installed. Next re-download the software here: (or here for v6 Next, disable any antivirus software, registry tool, downloader, cleanup tool, etc that may be causing an issue with the installer, and reinstall the software you just downloaded. Try SureThing again.

2. If the .std project files were created in version 4 or earlier, then the thumbnail image just doesn't exist. These are older files that were created before the thumbnail preview was put in place. You will need to recreate the file(s) in order to have the thumbnail preview show. If you're unsure what version created the file(s), please send us one of the .std files that is giving you grief, and we will take a look at it on our end.

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