Frequently Asked Question

Scaling issues, circular text quirk with high-resolution monitors (high-DPI fix)?
Last Updated 6 years ago

Try this:

  1. Close SureThing.
  2. Right click on the SureThing icon and click “Properties.”
  3. If it's a shortcut, you'll see a button that says Open File Location.
  4. Right click on the stdl application (it will be a blue icon that looks like the SureThing shortcut)
  5. Go over to the Compatibility tab, enable “Override High DPI scaling behavior” and set the Scaling Behavior to “System (Enhanced).” NOTE, different edition of Windows will have very different options here. You may have to click "Change High DPI settings" and then check the box that says "Override high DPI scaling behavior.." and select Application. Or it may say "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". If you're having issues, or do not see the options listed above, please let us know.
  6. Open SureThing again, how does it look?

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