Frequently Asked Question

How to use Transparencies?
Last Updated 11 years ago

SureThing allows you to blend graphics and text together to make smooth transitions and create special effects.
  1. To blend pictures or text with other objects in the design, select the object(s). You will know they are selected, because you will see the hatched line around the object. Adjust settings on the main toolbar. 
  2. For pictures, lines, ellipses, and rectangles, set the Shade Transparency and Shade Color options.
  3. For blending text with the background, set the Text Color and Text Transparency options. 
100% represents full opacity on the Shade Transparency or Text Transparency slider, while 0% represents full transparency.

Everything in between represents a gradual level of blend with the objects behind the selected object.

Note: For pictures, you cannot select a color with the Shade Color palette. When you select a picture and drag the Shade Transparency slider, the picture blends into the background.

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