Frequently Asked Question
How to switch from a Legacy template to a new one?
Last Updated 8 years ago
If the file is really old, or if it is a custom template and SureThing doesn't know the type, you will see the 'Legacy Template' setting above your design. Essentially SureThing can read it in, but doesn't know what it is and therefore, can not change the template to something else. There is a workaround, in which you can Copy all objects on your design and then Paste them onto a new one.
- Start by opening your legacy template,
- Go to the Edit menu and click on Select All.
- Go back to the Edit menu and click on Copy Objects.
- Now go to the File menu, click on New, and start a new project with the appropriate template.
- To change your template, click on the template description above your design.
- Go to the Edit menu and hit Paste Objects.
- After you paste the objects into the new project - center them on your design. Click once on the Center Vertical and once on the Center Horizontal buttons. This should get them close to the correct positions.(See picture below).
- You still might need to manipulate and move some of the objects until you get it just right.
- And last but not least, make sure to save your Project.