Frequently Asked Question

How long does it take? Why does LightScribe take so long?
Last Updated 10 years ago

There are a few things that determine how long a LightScribe disc will take to burn a label. From LightScribe’s website: “Labeling time depends heavily on content, hardware, media and print mode used. Typically for title only content, a labeling time of 2-5 minutes can be expected. For full disc graphics in Best quality mode, labeling times of 20-35 minutes can be expected.”

Ultimately, the time it takes is a factor of the speed and amount of print. The more there is to print, the longer it will take. Certain drives and connection types are faster than others. Also your quality/contrast level settings will effect the time.

The LightScribe laser burns in concentric circles from the center of the disc to the outside. If you want a fast burn, restrict your label content within the first circle (SureThing’s Circular Text tool makes this very easy). If your design includes text and graphics that span the entire surface of the disc, from center to edge, expect longer print times. You can place text and images in the outer regions and print in a shorter amount of time provided the inner regions do not also contain text and graphics.

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